
Project Start Date: 01/04/2024  Project End Date: 31/04/2026 Project total Duration: 24 months Project Number: 2023-2-PL01-KA220-YOU-000171409 The aim of MOBIUS is to stimulate the activity of young people in the field of social innovation on a local, national, and European scale by promoting the role and development of competencies, providing relevant tools, and sharing experiences...
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As part of our participation in the Preschool ABA project, we are excited to announce a soon to be released new resource designed to help preschool teachers foster inclusive and supportive learning environments for young children on the autism spectrum. Our soon-to-be-released Behaviour Management for Children with Autism: Teachers’ Handbook is a comprehensive guide, filled...
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At Infinitivity Design Labs, we are thrilled to be a key participant in the EU funded CONVERT project. This innovative project focuses on creating short-term training modules to boost digital skills essential for today’s digital economy. It aims to reskill recent non-ICT graduates and upskill junior employees, preparing them for emerging jobs or new tasks...
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IDL is joining the TEX4.0 project by helping design intrinsically motiviating learning experiences! The project is an innovative initiative designed to revolutionize vocational education and training (VET) in the textile industry. At its core, the project aims to develop a tailored curriculum that addresses the specific needs of VET trainers and learners in the realm...
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